
duminică, 10 martie 2013

Guide on how to jungle

Jungle Introduction

Hello! Today I'm going to show you how to jungle in League of Legends! Let's began: The jungle in League of Legends is a neutral place on both sides of the map. Each team has their own jungle, however, the jungles are mirrored for each team. A jungler is a champion who instead of farming and playing in a lane, farms in the jungle and "ganks"(Goes to fight in other lanes) their team's lanes. This means that as a jungler, you have to be aware of what is going on in the lanes and when to gank. Only gank when the enemy is "overextended" aka, is closer to your tower then their tower. Now, let's get into the jungle.

The jungle Camps

The five camps in the jungle are: Wolves, Wraiths, Golems, Ancient Golem(Blue buff), Lizard Elder(Red buff). Let's go over these in more detail:

The Wolf camp.
The Wolf camp.


The Wolf camp is located on the left side of the jungle for blue team, and on the right for purple team. The wolves spawn at 1:40 into the game, and have a respawn timer of 60 seconds. The big wolf will give back some hp when killed. The big wolf gives 25 gold and 128 exp upon killing it, the two little wolfs give 16 gold and 10 exp each, for a total of 57 gold 148 exp. We will talk about the route to take later in this guide.
The Wraith camp.
The Wraith camp.


The Wraith camp is located on the right side of the jungle for blue team, and on the left side for purple team. On both sides, the Wraith camp has walls around it visible from the mid lane. The Wraith camp spawns 1:40 into the game and have a respawn timer of 50 seconds. The wraiths steal life when they attack, and the big wraith gives back some hp when killed. The big wraith gives 35 gold and 35 exp when killed, the 3 little wraiths give 4 gold and 20 exp when killed each, for a total of 48 gold and 95 exp.


The Golem camp is on the bottom right of the blue jungle and the top left of the purple jungle. The Golems spawn 1:40 into the game and hit harder then the other non-buff camps in the jungle. The big golem restores some health when killed. The Big golem gives 30 gold and 117 exp when killed, the small golem gives 30 gold 39 exp when killed for a total of 60 gold and 156 exp.
The Ancient Golem.
The Ancient Golem.

Ancient Golem (Blue Buff)

The Ancient golem, more often know as the Blue buff, is located in the middle of the left side of the jungle for blue team, and the right side of the jungle for purple team. The ancient golem is very strong, hitting hard with a lot of hp. It often will need a "Leash", when the mid champion hits it with an autoattack or ability to aggro it onto them, giving the jungler free damage for a couple seconds. The Ancient golem spawns 1:55 into the game, and has a respawn timer of 5 minutes. When slain, the Ancient golem gives 72 gold and 231 exp and the two small lizards each give 10 gold and 32 exp, for a total of 92 gold and 295 exp. In additon, when the Ancient golem is slain, it gives a buff called the Crest of the Ancient Golem more commonly know as Blue buff. Blue buff regenerates your mana quickly. This buff lasts for 3:30 and if the holder of the buff is killed by an enemy champion, the killer will gain the buff.
The Lizard Elder
The Lizard Elder

The Lizard Elder (Red Buff)

The Lizard Elder, commonly known as Red buff, is located in the right middle of the jungle for blue team and in the left middle for purple team. Like Blue buff, it is very strong and has a lot of hp, however, since most junglers will start at either blue or red buff and get a leash at their starting buff, the other when will be easier to take because you will be at around level 3 by the time you get to the other buff. The Lizard Elder spawns 1;55 into the game, and has a respawn timer of 5 minutes. When slain, the Lizard Elder gives 72 gold and 210 exp, and the two small lizards each give 10 gold and 32 exp. When slain, the Lizard elder also grants the buff The blessing of the Lizard Elder, more commonly known as Red buff. Red buff applies a 8/16/24% slow on basic attacks for 3 seconds, scaling at levels 6/11/16. Red buff also applies a 10 (+2 damage per level) true damage DoT(Damage over time) twice effect on the holder's basic attacks. If the holder is slain, the buff transfers to the killer.

Jungling Routes

Most champions take one of two routes: Red route or Blue route. The Blue route starts at Blue buff and goes like this:
Blue Route: Start with a leash at Blue, then go to Wolves, then Wraiths, Golems, Red Buff, back to base and repeat, ganking when needed.
Red Route: Start with a leash at Red, then go to Wraiths, Golems, Wolves, Blue buff, back to base and repeat, ganking when needed.
Blue route is for champions that use mana or need mana to jungle, Red route is for champions that don't use mana or don't need it to jungle.
I hope you enjoyed this guide, thanks for reading!

5 Easy to Learn Champions: LoL Beginners

We all had to start somewhere. As beginners, some of us just juggled around the free champions and got by. Others bought a cheap champion and stuck with it as their "main". When I first started playing League of Legends, I would be playing one of Nunu or Amumu non-stop, because I wasn't really familiar with other champions yet. If you are just starting your first few games in League of Legends, then look no further. Here are some cheap, easy-to-learn champions that beginners can try out.
Source: Riot Games


At a low price of 450 IP, Garen is a great champion for low level beginners to start with. His stats are naturally somewhat tanky and his passive is good for laning. His Q is relatively straight foward as is his E. His ultimate is a single target ability that can help new players secure kills. New players can see their impact in the game through his damage. He has no skill shots, which makes things a lot easier for new players. Also, I believe Garen is now one of the choices in one of the tutorials that Riot has implemented. This familiarity with Garen also leads itself to helping new players get more comfortable with the game.
Source: Riot Games


For the low-cost, mage champion slot, I was deciding to go between Annie and Ryze. Ultimately I went with Annie because Ryze requires a lot of skill spamming which is not what most new players will be used to doing. Annie's Q allows for some easier farming. Instead of worrying about using your auto-attack to farm, Annie's Q makes is significantly easier. Her spells are simple as well, as none of them are skill shots. Her W casts in a cone in front of her and her ultimate casts in a targeted location. While new players may not get the concept of her passive right away, they can still do pretty well with Annie even without it. Also, Annie can score kills as well, which is probably important to most new players. She has 3 damaging spells which allows for a constant flow of damage to use to finish off champions.
Source: Riot Games


A beginner favorite probably just based on his cute looks and mushroom mines. Teemo doesn't have any hard mechanics and is just 1350 IP. His Q is a single target ability, his W makes him run even faster when activated (although passively it also makes him run faster), and his R is his signature shroom mines which are simple to use. None of his kit is especially confusing for the average newbie, and his cute demeanor is simply too irresistible.
One main thing about Teemo that makes him an attractive choice for newbies: he's fun! It's fun running around placing shrooms and hopefully getting kills off new players who are running through your shroom minefield unaware of what is going on. As a new player playing against other new players, Teemo can actually do some major damage just with his shrooms.
Source: Riot Games


Tanky. That's all I really have to say. You build armor and health on him and you can still do damage. His E is fairly simple to use as it just hits everyone around him. His Q is single target and helps him chase and escape. Finally, his ultimate can help him score kills, but may be a little more confusing for the beginner. Overall though, you won't be dying as much as Malphite when you first start off so that might make your first few games a little more enjoyable.
If you are getting mad about dying all the time in League of Legends, then Malphite might be your choice of champion.
Source: Riot Games


Really simple and cheap champion overall. Nunu is a champion that is very easy to lane with. His Consume (Q) gives him lane sustainability, and his Ice Blast (E) is a high damage, single target spell. It is very easy to get kills against other newbies with his E. His ultimate is the only source of difficulty early on. Players have to understand not to move as they channel, and learn when to break channel when they want to end his ultimate early. Other than that, Nunu's superior base stats, allow players to do well with him even if they don't understand what items to buy or how to play. As my first "main", I remember building the subpar items on him, but still able to secure kills just due to the high base damage on his Ice Blast (E).
My champion of choice for new players is to play Nunu, not as a support champion, but as a tanky-AP champion.
Hope you enjoyed my thoughts on great newbie-friendly champions! Good luck on your first few games in League of Legends and more importantly, have fun!

Best Top Lane Champions

League of Legends has many top lane choices and this guide is intended to help you choose what champions to play and what champions are the strongest champions with the best skill sets. When choosing a champion to play you want to be sure this champion is idol and can provide enough damage and utility to win team fights and win games. Who doesn't want to win games?


Malphite is considerably broken at the moment. Not only does Malphite have a great ultimate that can disable an entire team, but he also has an attack speed de-buff the can be extremely useful disabling carries and attack speed heavy teams.
  • Who to pick Malphite against? Pick Malphite vs attack damage bruisers in the top lane or champions revolve around attack speed. This champs include Jax, Irelia, Olaf, Jarvan, Master Yi, and Wukong.
  • Who to not pick Malphite against? Champions like Kennen or Vlad can really shut down Malphite and make it extremely hard to survive in lane. Kennen combined with auto attacks and magic damage can shut you down and make it hard to farm.


Riven has always been a strong pick top because of her strong burst and high damage early. Riven can dive in and do damage and exit with a shield making it very easy to win trades. That what is all about winning trades. Riven is very hard to gank and very hard to counter making her a great top lane.
  • Champions Riven counters: Yorick, Jarvan, Irelia, Gangplank. Riven beats this champs rather easily.
  • Champions that counter Riven: Kennen, Tryndamere.
When playing Riven the key is to be really aggressive and try to deny the enemy as much as possible. Riven is one of the most powerful early game champs and taking advantage of that will be your key to success. She is also very strong when she gets her ultimate so engaging at 6 is usually a good idea.


Shen is a monster in the top lane due to his tankiness and his ability to sway fights and have a presence across the map. Not only does he have a great ultimate he also has an aoe taunt that can win team fights.
  • Champions that Shen counters: Irelia, Malphite, Kennen.
  • Champions that counter Shen: Olaf, Teemo, Yorick.
Shen is a great top laner and to use him effectively you have to time your ult right and watch the map. He is a monster once you learn the ropes. You want to make sure you can last hit with Shen and use his shield to block damage when you trade. He is really effective and staying in lane and farming. Overall he is a very safe laner with a strong late game.


Darius one of the best top lanes. He just brings so much damage to the table and is a real monster if he gets ahead. He is one of the most snowball champions in the top lane and can sway games in your teams favor if he gets fed. Also, he can farm from a distance with his q, but this does however push the lane and can leave you vulnerable.
  • Darius can be very weak at early levels especially against champions with strong poke. It is important that you choose the trades you do and make sure that you do more damage than you take. Once you get your ultimate you can go in and take advantage of your extremely high damage.
  • Darius is countered by champions like Yorick that can pole him from a distance and harass him out of lane.


Elise has proven to be quite a terror in the top lane. She is able to poke at champions really well and her ultimate allows her to be a little tanky. The key with her is to poke with her venom without allowing the enemy laner to trade with you. I found her rather easy to play. If you are good at mid champions and not a very good top lane she is definitely a good pick. I also see a lot of potential to pull of a lot of cool plays with her.
  • Harass with your venom and make sure that you trade more damage than you take. You want to make sure that you are very aggressive early so you can take advantage of your poke.
  • Counters: I did not see many champions that are able to counter her. I would say a mage like vlad can compete and trade with her pretty well. Overall strong pick at the moment.

Cho Gath

Ever since they gave Cho that slight buff he has been a strong pick all around. Not only is he really good in the top lane but also in the mid and the jungle. His sustain is great and his feast is really, really strong.
  • One of the stronger champions in the top lane. He really isn't hard countered by anyone. He is an overall safe pick.
  • Make sure you can last hit well with Cho so you can take advantage of his passive. The better you are at hitting those the more sustain you will have and the better you will be at laning.

Other Strong Top Laners.

  • Irelia
  • Rumble
  • Hecrium
  • Xin Zhao
  • Yorick
  • Vlad
  • Lee Sin
  • Warwick
  • Jax
  • Jayce
  • Olaf
  • Kayle
  • Kennen
  • SInged