all had to start somewhere. As beginners, some of us just juggled
around the free champions and got by. Others bought a cheap champion and
stuck with it as their "main". When I first started playing League of
Legends, I would be playing one of Nunu or Amumu non-stop, because I
wasn't really familiar with other champions yet. If you are just
starting your first few games in League of Legends, then look no
further. Here are some cheap, easy-to-learn champions that beginners can
try out.
a low price of 450 IP, Garen is a great champion for low level
beginners to start with. His stats are naturally somewhat tanky and his
passive is good for laning. His Q is relatively straight foward as is
his E. His ultimate is a single target ability that can help new players
secure kills. New players can see their impact in the game through his
damage. He has no skill shots, which makes things a lot easier for new
players. Also, I believe Garen is now one of the choices in one of the
tutorials that Riot has implemented. This familiarity with Garen also
leads itself to helping new players get more comfortable with the game.
the low-cost, mage champion slot, I was deciding to go between Annie
and Ryze. Ultimately I went with Annie because Ryze requires a lot of
skill spamming which is not what most new players will be used to doing.
Annie's Q allows for some easier farming. Instead of worrying about
using your auto-attack to farm, Annie's Q makes is significantly easier.
Her spells are simple as well, as none of them are skill shots. Her W
casts in a cone in front of her and her ultimate casts in a targeted
location. While new players may not get the concept of her passive right
away, they can still do pretty well with Annie even without it. Also,
Annie can score kills as well, which is probably important to most new
players. She has 3 damaging spells which allows for a constant flow of
damage to use to finish off champions.
beginner favorite probably just based on his cute looks and mushroom
mines. Teemo doesn't have any hard mechanics and is just 1350 IP. His Q
is a single target ability, his W makes him run even faster when
activated (although passively it also makes him run faster), and his R
is his signature shroom mines which are simple to use. None of his kit
is especially confusing for the average newbie, and his cute demeanor is
simply too irresistible.
One main thing about Teemo that makes him an attractive choice for newbies: he's fun! It's fun running around placing shrooms and hopefully getting kills off new players who are running through your shroom minefield unaware of what is going on. As a new player playing against other new players, Teemo can actually do some major damage just with his shrooms.
One main thing about Teemo that makes him an attractive choice for newbies: he's fun! It's fun running around placing shrooms and hopefully getting kills off new players who are running through your shroom minefield unaware of what is going on. As a new player playing against other new players, Teemo can actually do some major damage just with his shrooms.
That's all I really have to say. You build armor and health on him and
you can still do damage. His E is fairly simple to use as it just hits
everyone around him. His Q is single target and helps him chase and
escape. Finally, his ultimate can help him score kills, but may be a
little more confusing for the beginner. Overall though, you won't be
dying as much as Malphite when you first start off so that might make
your first few games a little more enjoyable.
If you are getting mad about dying all the time in League of Legends, then Malphite might be your choice of champion.
If you are getting mad about dying all the time in League of Legends, then Malphite might be your choice of champion.
simple and cheap champion overall. Nunu is a champion that is very easy
to lane with. His Consume (Q) gives him lane sustainability, and his
Ice Blast (E) is a high damage, single target spell. It is very easy to
get kills against other newbies with his E. His ultimate is the only
source of difficulty early on. Players have to understand not to move as
they channel, and learn when to break channel when they want to end his
ultimate early. Other than that, Nunu's superior base stats, allow
players to do well with him even if they don't understand what items to
buy or how to play. As my first "main", I remember building the subpar
items on him, but still able to secure kills just due to the high base
damage on his Ice Blast (E).
My champion of choice for new players is to play Nunu, not as a support champion, but as a tanky-AP champion.
My champion of choice for new players is to play Nunu, not as a support champion, but as a tanky-AP champion.
you enjoyed my thoughts on great newbie-friendly champions! Good luck
on your first few games in League of Legends and more importantly, have