
vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

Best Champions to Carry Ranked Games in League of Legends

With nearly 100 champions in league of legends it is hard to decide exactly what champions are best to carry in a ranked setting. Keep in mind that playing these champions will not guarantee a victory, but they will give you an extreme edge leading to more wins than losses and in turn a higher elo. I mean who does not love some good elo?


Ahri is a mage carry champion that brings tons of damage and mobility to a team. She has a taunt and an incredible laning phase making her very valuable to any team she is on. Ahri is a pain to deal with in the mid lane. You will be calling out missing in action all game and Ahri will already be mid gank. She excels at ganking and if you camp bot with her, you will slaughter their bot lane and win games no problem.
Source: League of Legends
Ganking: Ahri has a great ultimate that allows her to gank lanes with ease. Her ult combined with her taunt allows you to dash into lane and easily pick up kills. Be sure that you clear you mid wave before ganking and try to avoid any wards. Ganking is a great way to sway the game in your teams favor, which makes Ahri a great option for carry ranked games.
Counters: Do not chose Ahri in situations where she is countered. If the other team has picked these champions be careful in playing Ahri because the lane will be extremely difficult.
  • LeBlanc
  • Galio
  • Viegar


This press R champion is extremely op and brings an insane amount of damage to any team and in any team fight. Although his ganking is not the best in the game he can influence any fight with the press of his ultimate.
Source: League of Legends
Requiem: Requiem is Karthus' ultimate which does damage to all enemy champions. Be careful because you can be disabled out of this ult so be sure you are no in the open when you use it.
When to use Requiem?
Use Requiem to secure a kill never use it to steal a kill that is already going to be secured. The reason for this is if you when it is not necessarily then you will not have it when you need it later.
  • Kassadin
  • Viegar
  • Xerath
  • Talon


Kassadin is a mage champion that can gank lanes better than almost any other champion. He is equipped with a flash like ultimate and a silence making him one of the best assassins in the game. Kassadin can pick off targets and sway the game with ganks.
Keep in mind that Kassadin is a counter pick and should be picked against squishy mage type champions that you can shut down in lane. This will give your team a huge advantage and you will win many games.
Source: LoL
  • Talon
  • Pantheon
  • Tryndamere
  • Gangplank


Veigar is one of those over powered champions that not many people play. She is great at bursting people down very easily and can eliminate a carry from a fight before it starts.
Source: LoL
  • Ryze
  • Talon
  • Annie

Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate is a great mid champion with load and load of damage and a great ultimate. The recently nerfed global ultimates and that is because they are ridiculously good. With Twisted Fate you have the ability to change the odds of fights all over the map. This wins games. Winner winner chicken dinner.
  • Kassadin
  • Annie
  • Talon


Ashe is a great ranged carry and the reason she is good at winning games is because her arrow can set up kills and start team fights late game. Ashe is a champion that is just a monster late game. Because of the slows, no one can get near her and no one can escape. If you can get skilled with Ashe you will dominate ranked games all day every day.
  • Graves
  • Ezreal


Overall Graves is a great champion and he is really easy to play. He is one of my favorite champions and just has a great skillset. Champions like this are some of the best to carry ranked games.
  • Ezreal


Ezreal is a great ranged carry and if you are good with him you can just wreck lane and win late game. The key is to be good with his w. If you use it effectively in lane you will easily win.


The cow is overpowered especially in the jungle. Alistar has great level 2 ganks and can win lanes with easy kills. His level two ganks are the best in the game and he strikes parionia into the hearts of the enemy. Your enemy will always be afraid of ganks and that will cause them to play passively all game.


I have been playing a decent amount lately and I have noticed that Amumu is just broken at the moment and is extremely hard to play against. I am putting him on this list simply because his ult, cc, and skill set can basically win team fights.
  • Cleanse
  • Quick Silver Sash

Other Strong Picks in Ranked Games

  • Shen: Strong tanking and global ultimate
  • Malphite: Strong crowd control and attack speed debuff
  • Riven: Great laning phase and high damage
  • Rumble: Strongest top lane high damage
  • Ryze: Good durability and damage
  • Swain: Strong laning and healing
  • Anivia: Incredible damage and crowd control
  • Kennen: Lots of stuns and mobility
  • Morgana: Great CC and snares
  • Sivir: Good ultimate and high mobility
  • Kogmaw: Hyper carry late game
  • Blitz: Strong laning and game changing hooks
  • Janna: Good peel for carries and good utility
  • Nautilus: Strong ganks and high scaling
  • Nocturne: Best ganks and assassination capabilities

Champions you are best with.

Don't take this list as a gospel and only play the champions on this list in ranked games. These are simply strong picks in ranked games that have good skill sets. Champions that you have good win rates with and champions that you know how to play well are some of the best ones to carry with. If you have a 60% win rate with Teemo and you play Teemo a lot and know him like the back of your hand then he is a good way to win ranked games. Also, learning new champions is difficult and is somewhat of a process. The more the practice the better you will get. Thanks for reading this guide and I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below on what your favorite champion in ranked games is.
  • Play champions you are good with and know how to play
  • Play champions you have a high win rate with and are good with
  • Play your best role if you can get it